Road Number: |
Road Details: |
Road Name: |
Traffic Flow Direction (direction of traffic flow, not direction camera
is pointing): |
Speed Limit (kmh) of Road: |
Further Location Details: |
Camera Type: |
Date Camera Observed
(dd/mm/yyyy): |
Approx Time Camera Observed(hh:mm e.g. 09:30, 12:45, 18:20): |
Your Name:
(will be displayed) |
Your email Address:
NOT be displayed) |
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The database and data contained within it are owned by and copyright of Irishspeedtraps.com. This data is not allowed to be shared or reproduced in any format (including on any website or in any application) whatsoever in part or in full without our prior written authorisation from Irishspeedtraps.com. Data, text, graphics, indicia and code are protected by Irish, UK, US, EU and International Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted, published, translated, hosted, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit permission.